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Proctoring Certification Exams

Proctoring Exams

Proctoring for certification exams is an essential component to ensure exam integrity and fairness. Proctoring refers to the process of supervising and monitoring test-takers during their certification exams. It involves verifying the identity of the examinees, ensuring a controlled testing environment, and preventing any unauthorized assistance or cheating.

Proctoring methods can vary depending on the delivery mode of the exam, such as in-person proctoring for on-site testing or online proctoring for remote exams. Online proctoring utilizes advanced technology to monitor test-takers remotely, including video surveillance through Microsoft Teams, Zoom or any web conferencing software. This comprehensive proctoring approach ensures that Certiport’s exams maintain their credibility and validity, providing reliable certification results for individuals seeking to showcase their skills and knowledge. These exams are offered around the world and rely on the proctors commitment to exam integrity.

General Proctor Questions

  • Anyone in your organization can be a proctor. They will sign a proctor agreement ensuring the safety and integrity of the exams.
  • You can employ students to proctor your exams as well.
  • When creating a Certiport account, you have the option to be added as a proctor.
  • There is a copy of the agreement in the Certiport account.
  • There are roles within the Certiport Testing Center account which can provide different levels of access.
  • If you employ student proctors, you can restrict all access to the testing center (so they will not see student results), and you can turn their ability to proctor on and off.

Need help? Call our Support Team at 1 (888)-882-8635

Langley 200 Business Centre
Suite #180 8621 201st Street
Langley BC
Phone: 1-800-668-1669
or 604-455-0070
Fax: 1-866-760-2354

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For creating Jasperactive and GMetrix profiles/accounts


Your student profiles have been created for you. 

The next step is to download the two software programs needed in your Certification Program: Jasperactive and GMetrix! Please return to the Getting Started page.